Help my hair

Suffering from hair problems? Then our Hair Experts can certainly help you with that.

Hair - together with the skin - is sometimes called “the mirror of our body”. Hair loss can be the result of a physical or psychological condition, and vice versa, problems with hair or hair growth can lead to serious psychological problems and even depression.

Causes of hair loss

There are many possible causes and different types of hair loss, or alopecia. Detecting the precise cause is a first step in treatment.

A healthy person loses an average of 50 to 100 hairs per day. This has no visible consequences as the same number grows every day.

However, if you lose significantly more hair per day, this is referred to as hair loss. This can also have visible consequences in the form of thinning of the hair and over time, bald spots may even appear on the head.

Hair loss generally starts on the top of the head or around the crown. This can be caused by hormones, stress, fatigue, unhealthy diet, smoking or as a side effect of certain medications. In various diseases, such as cancer, hair loss is a consequence of the treatment (chemotherapy or radiation).

Types of hair loss

There are many different types of hair loss. The most common are:

  • Androgenetic Alopecia: This is the classic male pattern hair loss and is very common.
  • Alopecia Areata, a localized form, expression of an autoimmune process.
  • Chemo treatment, (usually temporary) hair loss often occurs with anti-cancer drugs.
  • Traction Alopecia This is caused by pulling the hair (too) tightly into ponytails or braids.
  • Trichotillomania is the compulsive pulling out of hair.
  • Baldness due to substances that affect the hair root, such as thallium poisoning.

Have you been told that you have a oncological treatment should follow that entails or could entail hair loss? Then it is certainly a good idea to seek advice in advance (i.e. before you lose your hair) about possible solutions. At RANA we offer you a listening ear and tailor-made advice, in a pleasant atmosphere.

You can also contact us for all other hair solutions. We make sure you feel comfortable!

Because everyone is different and has a different hair problem, choosing a hairpiece is always tailor-made. The degree of hair loss, but also the desire for length and quantity is different for everyone. That's why you're in good hands with us! This way you can be sure that you will receive professional help, it will not be visible, with a beautiful end result!