Exchanges & Returns

Within 14 days of purchase

Can I return my product?

Yes, this is certainly possible at RANA!! Undamaged and unused products can be returned within 14 days. The following conditions apply:

  1. You return within the inspection period of 14 days. This approval period starts on the day you receive the product.
  2. The product is undamaged and in the original, unopened and undamaged packaging.
  3. Returns are at your own expense and risk. You are therefore liable for the shipment if it is lost or damaged. So always make sure that you send your shipment with sufficient postage and by registered mail. Always ask the transport service (e.g. at the Post Office) for the tracking code. Keep this safe!!
  4. You must include the packing slip or invoice (copy) with the return shipment.

PLEASE NOTE: if a return does not fully meet all of the above points, it will not be processed. The product will then be returned at the customer's expense.

What cannot be returned or exchanged?

Products that cannot be returned or exchanged are:

  • Consumable products that have already been opened, such as shampoo, conditioner, mask, serum, hair spray.
  • Products that we have ordered especially for you.
  • Products that have been tailor-made and/or edited especially for you.
  • iFlip, iClip, Ponytails and all other hairpieces, etc. (due to hygiene).

If you are unsure whether the product you wish to order can be exchanged afterwards, please always contact us first. This way you won't be faced with an unpleasant surprise afterwards.

Return: Step-by-Step

Step 1: Send an email to our customer service before you return the package. Mention your name, order number, which product you want to return and the reason for this.

Step 2: You will receive a confirmation from us containing the returns form.

Step 3: You complete this return form. The more information you provide, the faster we can process your return.

Step 4: Return the sufficiently stamped and well-packed package with a return form

Step 5: As soon as we have received your return shipment, you will receive a confirmation by email.

Step 6A: When exchanging; the new product will be sent to you (or possibly ordered from our factory), provided all conditions are met.

Step 6B: Money back; The amount will be refunded to your bank account within 10 working days, provided all conditions are met.


When canceling an order, the costs of return shipping are at your own expense.

If products have to be ordered especially for you, it is not possible to cancel the order in question if it has already been shipped. Before placing an order, please inquire whether the products you require must be ordered by us.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.